Beit Eliahou

Beit Eliahou is our shul, run by the Iraqi Jewish Association of Ontario. We observe Minhag Bavel / Minhag Baghdadi, and welcome any and all who wish to join us for services. While our members are predominately of Iraqi Jewish ancestry, we have regular attendance from diverse groups, from Indian Jewry to Israeli, and elsewhere. We share our faith and our heritage, along with our own pronunciation, melodies, and customs, with all that come.
Join us for Shabbat, holiday services, and simchot
We are an engaged community – we are doctors, lawyers, business people, cab drivers, construction workers, teachers, professors, and professionals of every kind. We value being a part of and involved in the secular world. As in Iraq, we are best described as traditional; the orthodox / conservative / reform trifecta is a very Ashkenazi trifercation, and one that does not fit well the Iraqi traditions. Whatever your observance, we welcome you to share in our traditions, and leave the particulars of how to find meaningful observance in our contemporary life’s to the rigors of study.
We have been renting space at the Sephardic Kehila Centre for two decades, and you can find us in the lower hall, 7026 Bathurst St, Thornhill, ON L4J 8K3