The Iraqi Jewish Archive is stolen property that should go back to its original owners

By Carole Basri and David Dangoor, In the preamble to the 1954 Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict, it says that “damage […]
It’s Easier to Serve Bagels than Baba Ganoush:

Chelsie May’s M.A. Thesis at Brandeis: Iraqi Jewish Women Articulate an Arab Jewish Subjectivity
Books by Rabbi Shelomo Bekhor Hussein

Books by Rabbi Shelomo Bekhor Hussein Rabbi Hussein was a legal decisor, liturgical poet, journalist, translator, and printing house owner who was one of the outstanding Babylonian rabbis in the […]
Haggadah of Rabbi David Hai Einy

Haggadah of Rabbi David Hai Einy – Jerusalem, 1905 This Babylonian-rite Haggadah was published in Hebrew with Arabic and English translations by the ancestor of Ronald Einy, our past synagogue […]
Haftara of Tish’a Be’av Shaharit

Haftara of Tish’a Be’av Shaharit, with translation and commentary in Judeo-Arabic
Iraqi Haftarot Shemot and Bo

On Parashiyot Shemot and Bo each year, Iraqi Jews read a Haftara that is different from the custom of most of the rest of the Jewish community. These Haftarot are […]