Haggadah of Rabbi David Hai Einy

| י׳ בתמוז ה׳תשע״ז (04/07/2017) | 0 Comments


This Babylonian-rite Haggadah was published in Hebrew with Arabic and English translations by the ancestor of Ronald Einy, our past synagogue president (2011-2017).  By presenting it in these three languages, the author felt that it would be guaranteed to be understood by all Baghdadi Jews living in his day.  Editing the text from his home base in Calcutta, he sent it to Jerusalem for publication, possibly as a nod of piety to the Holy City.

Note the special additions of the Babylonian rite, as well as the parenthetical notations in Birkat Hamazon which women are instructed to skip.

Rabbi Einy also published a booklet of Rosh Hashana Simanim with a separate treatise on Haftarot

Category: Literature

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