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Social Issues
COVID-19 Protocols

After receiving direction from public health authorities and in accord with the Sephardic Kehilah Centre’s practice, we have restarted weekly Shabbat services.Efforts will be made to ensure we do not […]
Why Have Transit Camps for Mizrahi Jews Been Written Out of Israeli History?

In 1951, a quarter of a million people were living in what was known as ma’abarot, 80 percent of them from Islamic lands. Most of the camps were dismantled by […]
Iraq-born refugee could become first Arabic speaker to head Britain’s Jews

Baghdad-born candidate standing for presidency of UK’s most powerful Jewish group says more diverse representation is needed The most influential organisation representing British Jews could soon have its first leader […]
A Rational Jewish Approach to Homosexuality

by Shmuley Boteach [ This posting is not intended to necessarily represent the position or voice of the IJAO nor Beit Eliahou on the matter of homosexuality; it is intended […]